How to Paint Your Wooden Furniture?

Is your wooden outdoor furniture looking a little lacklustre or out of sync with your decor? The solution might be simpler than you think. Transforming your beloved pieces into stunning focal points is just a brushstroke away!

In this guide, we’ll show you how to revitalise your timber sets through the art of painting. Your old favourites are about to become your new statement pieces!

But before that, here are the essential tools and materials you’ll need:

  • Sandpaper: This abrasive tool helps you prepare the wooden surface. Utilise it to smooth out imperfections and create a clean canvas for the paint to adhere to.
  • Primer: A crucial step, primer ensures optimal paint adhesion. It also prevents stains from seeping through and promotes an even finish.
  • Paint: Choose your preferred type (latex, oil-based, chalk) and colour. The right paint will help you achieve the desired look for your furniture makeover.
  • Brushes: High-quality brushes ensure smooth and even paint application.
  • Drop cloths: Protect your workspace from accidental spills and drips.
  • Cleaning supplies: Proper cleaning agents help remove dirt, grease, and previous finishes. They ensure a clean surface for painting.

Step 1: Prepare your workspace

BillyOh Expert Tongue and Groove Apex Workshop
BillyOh Expert Tongue and Groove Apex Workshop

The right workspace for your BillyOh garden furniture painting project is paramount. A well-ventilated area ensures proper air circulation. Adequate ventilation also prevents the inhalation of paint fumes. Plus, it aids in the drying process, promoting a flawless finish.

Protecting your surroundings is equally important. Lay down drop cloths to shield your floors and greenery from accidental splatters. Remove hardware such as knobs, handles, and hinges for a smoother and more even painting.

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Lastly, don’t underestimate the role of lighting. Natural light or bright artificial ones, such as LED outdoor lights, helps you:

  • accurately assess the colour application
  • identify any imperfections that might need attention

Now onto the next!

Step 2: Clean and sand the furniture

Bowland Adirondack Wooden Rocking Chair
Bowland Adirondack Wooden Rocking Chair

Give your wooden garden furniture a fresh start. Thorough cleaning serves as the foundation for a flawless finish. By removing dirt, grease, and old finishes, you ensure proper paint adhesion. Doing so also prevents blemishes that might otherwise mar your final result.

Once your teak folding table is clean, the sanding process comes into play. Sanding isn’t just about smoothing the surface. It’s also about creating a textured canvas that allows the paint to grip effectively. Focus on eliminating any rough spots, scratches, or inconsistencies. This will guarantee that your chosen paint adheres evenly and flawlessly. In return, you’ll have a professional-looking transformation that’s sure to impress!

Step 3: Apply primer

Using a primer can significantly elevate your furniture painting project. For one, it helps enhance paint adhesion, ensuring a long-lasting and vibrant finish. Even better, it also acts as a barrier to prevent stains from bleeding through the paint layers.

To apply the primer evenly, start by ensuring your furniture is clean and dry. Use a high-quality brush or roller to spread a thin, even layer of primer over the entire surface. Allow it to dry completely before proceeding with your chosen Protek paint colour.

Step 4: Choose and apply paint

Protek Wood Stain and Protector 2.5ltr
Protek Wood Stain and Protector 2.5ltr

You have a range of paint and wood paint protector options to consider. Latex paint is water-based, dries quickly, and offers easy clean-up. A chalk type provides a vintage, matte appearance and requires minimal prep work. Meanwhile, oil-based ones boast a durable finish but require longer drying times.

To achieve a flawless paint application, follow these steps:

  • Begin with a clean and primed surface for your wooden patio chairs.
  • Use a high-quality brush or foam roller for smooth coverage.
  • Apply thin, even coats of paint. Allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next.
  • Sand lightly between coats for an ultra-smooth finish.
  • To prevent brush marks, apply paint in the direction of the wood grain.

Step 5: Allow proper drying time

Lincombe Adirondack Teak Hardwood Garden Rocking Chair
Lincombe Adirondack Teak Hardwood Garden Rocking Chair

Adequate drying time between coats of paint and after the final coat is vital. Rushing this step can lead to uneven texture, smudges, or even peeling.

To ensure a durable finish and prevent premature use, keep these tips in mind:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s recommended drying times for each coat of paint.
  • Opt for a well-ventilated and dust-free area for drying, such as a wooden workshop shed.
  • Avoid placing objects on or using the painted furniture until fully cured.
  • Be gentle during the first few weeks to allow the paint to harden and set.

By respecting the drying timeline, you’ll safeguard your hard work.


Congratulations, you’ve witnessed your vision come to life! Step back and admire your newly painted wood garden furniture. As you prepare for storage, your knowledge can truly make a difference. Consider solutions such as rattan garden furniture storage. Or to protect your outdoor sets from the elements using waterproof furniture covers.

What you should read next: How to Store Rattan Garden Furniture